Sunday, June 6, 2010

Soy Una Adicta!

Universidad Costa Rica
Call me crazy but I am totally addicted to blogging...Edward makes fun of me and says that I am writing a novel. I am starting to fall in love with siestas I mean seriously why can't the United States catch on? Just kidding I love the USA, I just really love siestas. After my siesta Edward promised me a tour of la Universidad Costa Rica so we hopped on the bus and headed downtown. I am starting to get use to the city and recognize where I am, which is a good thing.

"The Strangler"
The campus at UCR is absolutely beautiful. It is like a tropical forest in the middle of an urban area. They have bamboo, ficus trees and many others. I was especially impressed by the trees called "Stranglers", which made me think of a gospel analogy. These trees overtake others and become parasites, sucking the nutrients from the roots and eventually growing taller, stronger and larger. I thought about how sometimes we are deceived into feeling everything in our lives is going well and we forget to protect ourselves with the necessary items such as prayer and scripture study and eventually we are lured into carnal security. Anyways on a different note this campus is full of art and brightly colored buildings. Maybe GW should take note and spice things up?

After I made Edward take many photos (SORRY...but I want the memories), we went over to the Mall. It is situated on a round-about and is absolutely crazy inside. The air is thick and the people are packed like sardines, but it is a local hangout spot (much like in the states). I honestly have never seen so many sex shops in my life like HELLO? SERIOUSLY? Its really ridiculous I mean they are not even discreet about it talk about in your face & everybody else's as well. While in the mall Edward and I ran into this guy who asked in English if we were from Texas. We ended up talking to him and he said he was originally from Utah (Just my Luck!) and I proceeded to ask if he was Mormon. His response was yes, but he likes partying so much he decides not to practice the religion anymore. His whole family is active in the church and still lives in Delta Utah, but he moved here a few years ago to lead a life of bar hopping etc.

The Mall--Classy right?
Anyways we stopped having conversation with him and went to a book store to look for some things (where I found an alarm clock Gracias) and then decided to get back on the bus towards home. Since the mall is on the roundabout we had to go through the entire city just to get back to Vargas Arraya and on the way our friend from Utah got on our same bus (WEIRD). At first I thought it was a good thing, but quickly his facial expressions and intentions became more and more creepy. Thank goodness I was not alone and I made it known that I had a serious boyfriend back in the states and he started to back off a bit. Edward and I got off the bus a bit before the house so he did not see where we live, but I really don't trust anybody here especially the men.

I am now back home safe and ready for bed. I start class tomorrow :( but I need to learn and I will be finishing my last writing class for graduation in the coming weeks. I am learning to be happy where I am and finding that more and more I hope Christmas will come soon.

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