Friday, June 4, 2010

Mi Cuarto!

My Own Bathroom!!!
My Desk/TV with Cable!
My Bed/Window

Pros: Wireless Internet (HOORAY!), A TV with Cable (I probably will never watch but if I need an English fix I get six channels), My Own Bathroom

Cons: My window opens onto the main road...lots of traffic ALL NIGHT!, It gets sunny at like 5 AM (who needs to sleep anyways? right?), Oh and we will see how the shower goes haha

All in all I am really happy here thus far. Yesterday was difficult but I woke up today feeling much better and last night I was dreaming in Spanish. Breakfast was good Mari made me eggs that I ate with Salsa de tomate (Ketchup) and a fresh plate of fruit (papaya, mango, pineapple y banana). I have a feeling I am going to be SUPER skinny by the time I return to the states. I think its just the way of life walking everywhere and eating smaller portions they are actually Alexis-sized portions down here! (Mom you would love it!)

I figure I will grow accustomed to all of the street noise and such as time progresses. I am excited to have orientation today and continue my growth in this beautiful place.

Unas Personas:
Edward: A student from West Virginia...

Mary (She doesn't like her Spanish name much) & Me
Disclaimer: This photo was taken at like 7AM with no make-up or shower...

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