Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cultural Experiences

Today was baby Valentina's baptism in the Catholic Church. Edward and I were invited as part of the family to attend the ceremony and participate with the family. What an experience! First of all Mary drove us over to the church in the van (a crazy Costa Rican car) and I seriously thought I may die because the Ticos (Costa Rican's) drive so terribly/crazily. Second I have been to many baptisms before, but never one quite like this.
First of all Valentina is only 6 months old and there were nearly 6 or 7 other babies getting baptized as well. El Cura (The Priest) went around and started by first crossing each baby on the forward and then the whole family (including Edward and Myself) had to do the same. Then the priest came by with Aceite (Oil) and anointed the baby on the neck and then did the same with another oil on the forehead. After all of these processions and different readings/sayings from the Bible, each family was invited one by one to go up to the water that the priest had blessed to baptize the baby.
It was really nice to meet all three of Mary's daughters and their husbands who are all very nice. Valentina survived all of the experiences of the day and then fell asleep. After the babies were all baptized, the godfather (padrino) of each was invited to take a candle and symbolically light it from the large candle (vela) of Christ. I asked Mary about these services at the church and she said that they occur twice a month on Saturday mornings. When we left the church a man petitioned for money I think for parking but maybe as a donation to the church? I am not quite sure.

This was outside the restaurant...graffiti with a political undertone.
We stopped by a restaurant on the way home and picked up some food to have at the house for lunch. It used to be customary that the whole family would celebrate after the baptism, but recently it has become normal to have only the godparents go out with the parents and baby to a restaurant in celebration. We had a wonderful lunch at the house with salad, beets, tomatoes, chicken fried rice and beans. One of Mary's daughters (whose name escapes me) and her son Eric had lunch with us. He is so full of life/energy. I wish I could bottle it up and use some haha.

Mi Casa Inside & Out

After lunch I received a phone call from another girl who is abroad here (not in the program anymore but interning for ICDS) and she invited me to meet up and go to the mall with her. I decided to invite Edward along (1. Because I enjoy his company & 2. For his protection). We met up at the Soda down the street and then continued on to U Latina where some other girls from the program joined us.

We all ventured down to the Avenida Central in downtown San Jose where there are lots of people and shops. I was hyper-vigilant for obvious reasons 1. I am taller than everybody (so I stick out) 2. I don't trust anybody and 3. I don't want any problems. Edward stayed right behind me and made sure nobody came near me. The other girls were super loud and drew a lot of attention to themselves so I walked quite a ways behind them.

In front of Museo Nacional
I ended up making a few purchases in the local crafts area, but did not buy a whole ton. I have to pace myself and make sure I get only what I want/need. On the way back there were many street performers and we stopped for a few moments to enjoy. We then walked past the National Museum, which use to be a fort during the civil war in 1948. There are actually bullets lodged into the sides of the building. Interestingly enough they dissolved their military afterwards and now use that budget for the environment/schools/cultural events.

Medieval Style Fort (Original Part)
Finally Edward and I made it home, solved the issue of no internet (GRACIAS A DIOS) and had a wonderful dinner. After dinner I sat at the table for a long time talking with Mary about church (which has been located and I will be attending in the morning) and the belief I hold about eternal families. It really felt good to be able to communicate and share our beliefs one with another. I know this is where I am supposed to be and I think time is going to go by very quickly.

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