Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reassurance, Rest & Peace

Today I had the wonderful opportunity of attending church here in Costa Rica. I am so incredibly blessed to have a church down the street from my home and right near the University I am attending. Although I may not have been able to understand all of the words (especially with the terrible rain storm we were having), I was able to feel the peace and sweet reassurance that comes from going to church. Edward decided to come along with me and it was his first experience in a LDS (Mormon) church. The testimonies borne during Sacrament were sweet and simple and the people here are so kind and welcoming. I really need this sense of community and fellowship.

The building is a simple tiled building on the inside and Edward and I helped set up the chairs for Sacrament meeting since we were early (Thank you Mary for driving us down!). During announcements I learned that the youth would be taking a trip to the temple on June 16 and I am so glad that after church when I talked to the leaders about it they are going to let me go with them. I am so excited for this opportunity and that the church is the same no matter the language or place. I did not understand everything but I could clearly feel the sweet assurance that this is where I am supposed to be and that the things I was taught today are true. Although Edward was unable to understand most of the words, I think he felt the friendship and love from those around us. In the young single adult class, the teacher was super friendly and worked diligently to include us in the discussion/lesson. I tried so hard to translate most of the stuff for Edward, but I am new to the language of the church in Spanish.

In Relief Society we had our lesson on repentance and it was so wonderful to hear the experiences of the women and their feelings towards the necessity of asking forgiveness daily for shortcomings. I feel so much better now that I have connected with the church here and although I will be gone a few of the weekends I am here, I plan to make the effort to attend church while in San Jose.

I have been so incredibly blessed by all those around me. I am becoming good friends with Mary and I love asking her opinion on things and getting her advice on relationships and life. I have learned so much already and plan to continue to do so. I think after my siesta I will go with Edward to La Universidad Costa Rica to see the historic buildings and artwork. I am so excited for all of the opportunities that are ahead of me and I realize the importance of immersing myself completely in the culture here, except I don't think I will ever get use to the cold shower bit haha.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are having a great time and a great learning experience. We love you.
